After a couple of days of marginal weather, we arrived at the (very) small port of Katakalon on a gorgeous spring morning. Many trees were in bloom and there was a delightful flower smell everywhere. The only downer was that there were already two quite large cruise ships in port ahead of us. It looked as if the port people had scheduled ships in so they didn’t conflict (too much) with each other which was good since the little town would have been overwhelmed if all the tourists and their buses were doing the same thing at the same time. We were the last ones in, so the streets had pretty much cleared out by the time be got off the ship.
We took an excursion to the site of the original Olympic Games. We had a 38 km bus ride to the site. The Greek countryside was fun to watch. It was very rural, with lots of olive trees and grazing sheep. When we arrived at the site, there were about 20 other tour busses there. Fortunately, the site was huge, so there was very little crowding. After a short orientation from our guide, Adele and I took off on our own. There were good signs at the major attractions, so we were able to understand what we saw. The site is in a pretty ruinous state, with a lot of broken columns, etc.
After spending an hour or so walking around, we went into the village of Olympia for a shopping break. The town was quite small, but Adele did manage to find a few items on which to spend her Euros.
After the bus ride back to Katakalon and a bite of lunch, we went back out for a little more shopping.